Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Got The Blues

After having been almost 7 weeks with but one visit to my girls up the hill in the coop, I'm lonely for them.  I miss the bbbbrrrrccckkkk bbbrrrccckkk that Rosie gives when she's chatting with me when I went up to feed them.  A favorite moment for me in the morning or when I would dump treaties at their feet.  I miss the feel of warm eggs fresh from the nest, and shavings always stuck in my sweater.  But, I'm not so much missing the frozen waterer or frozen poop on the tops of the nesting boxes.  Hey, you take the bad with the good, right?
But, it's official.  I miss my girls.  Stupid ankle and leg aren't healing very well and I'm still restricted in what I can safely do, especially at a steep incline on a snowy hill.  I miss my girls and I think they miss me, too.  When I call to them, they get excited and look for me.  Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I feel that they do.
Though I am thankful for Music Man and Maestro picking up the slack, I am a farmer without her farm.  Sigh, one long winter, this.
Wishing for some clucks to return to my days,   ~Peacemom


Dog Trot Farm said...

Vonnie, I am so sorry to read that you have broken your ankle. I do hope you are on the mend. With all this ice and snow we have been experiencing lately, it has to be tough going for you...I am sure the girls miss you, and vice versa. I am stuck in bed with the flu, I have not been this ill in a very long time. All we can do is take one day at a time. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery, Julie.

small farm girl said...

I hope you become more mobile soon. At least its not summer. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie, I wish I was nearer to bring you chicken soup and encouragement....Mom