Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Apple Harvest!

Today was apple picking on our tree!  We had a great time harvesting the apples from our trees right here where we live.  First time I've ever done that!   We usually go to the local orchard to pick apples, which is also very fun...but this was better! 

Little Red on the ladder reaching for the big ones...

Maestro not forgetting what trees are really good for....

Music Man peering down from great heights...

and everyone enjoying the ride back to the barn post-apple picking.

and pretty, well, they're not, but really sweet and delicious.  They don't need to be pretty to make applesauce and that's where these are headed, my friends!

One step closer to self sufficient,  ~Peacemom

1 comment:

small farm girl said...

That brought back memories of when I was younger and picked apples out of our back yard. We will be getting apple trees again soon.