Friday, May 7, 2010

Sugar Snap Daddy's!

Here are my snap peas I started about 2 weeks ago. I loved the name of them, they are called Sugar Snap Daddy's! My local health food store, A Market, had a display of seeds from my favorite seed company , High Mowing Seeds. Not only were they cheaper to buy the seeds this way, but I also saved shipping costs as well! I was excited to find them. Shouldn't be long until we are enjoying our very own sugar snaps right off the vine...yummy! I can already taste the almost candy sweetness of those little green pods...oh yes, I can.

I went shopping today. I have been spending an inordinate amount of money on food the last couple of months...the whole organic thing for 4 people is pricey this time of year. I'll be glad when the CSA kicks in next month and we'll have fresh, locally grown veg every day...just can't wait. Plus, the food bill will go down a bit, which is also a welcome relief!

Wishing you pea blossoms of your own, ~Peacemom

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