Friday, February 22, 2013

Now, That's Some Trophy

Pretty big thrill for the boys last summer.  They got to see the Stanley Cup at the Verizon after our home team, the Boston Bruins, won it again.  This was some serious highlight for these guys.  And a definite life highlight for their Dad.  He's never gotten that close to it before, and he's been a Bruins Fan for many years now.  I don't actually think that either of these is the Cup, because it seems to be it was much larger and kept guarded.  Not sure, though, but either way, it was a "way cool" excursion for them.   Music Man actually got interviewed for the local news station, WMUR, which they actually filmed and showed on the broadcast of the news.  We have it saved on our DVR.  Fun stuff.

Probably one of the things that is amazing to me is the amount of time Music Man dedicates to his children.  In this day and age, I supposed it's a bit more normal then it used to be to some extent.  Mothers, well, we're expected to be there for the boys and nurturing and all that.  And I take that job very seriously and do the best I am able for them.  We are both at their games, scout activities, concerts, plays, whatever we can do.  And I'm the one home with them all the time.  A foundation I know can't be replaced in any other way.  But wow, what lucky boys they are to also have a Dad that is so involved with their lives and there for them.  He assistant coaches both boys sports teams, whatever it happens to be in that season.  He attends all of Maestro's scout activities and meetings and is Little Red's den leader.  He's the one to take them to sports activities that they are fans of, like Manchester Monarch's hockey, or Fisher Cats baseball.  I will attend a few of them with them, as I've grown to like sports since having boys (really, what choice did I have?).  But our budget is such that we have to limit what we do and so I will stay home so they can go.  These things mean so much more to them then me, so it's good.  Plus, what wonderful bonding time and experiences they have with their father.  He's the one sleeping out in the back field with them in tents.  I'm the beach mom, the easy hiking trail mom, the after school activities mom. Music Man is their wonderful male role model.

And it's something I marvel at.  He did not have this in his own life.  Let's just suffice it to say his own example of how to be a good father was basically non-existent.  His mother did the best she could, but a boy needs his father.  Most of his life, he wanted a mentor, someone he could look up to and learn from.  He had a grandfather and uncles that were involved in this life, and he's very thankful for that.  But, they weren't his father.  And so, when I see the dedication he has to his own sons, the love he shows them, and the sacrifices he makes for them, I know how deep that goes.  It's not that he does it because he has to, he does it because he didn't have it and because he knows how much it means to his sons.  Even when they don't recognize it, and don't understand it now.  They will someday, when they are older, and maybe it won't be until they have children of their own.  And perhaps in those moments of being a great dad, he's healing the deep wounds left by his own father.  I hope for that all the time.   And, I'm enormously proud of him.

~Wishing you family love of your own, ~Peacemom 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So glad you all work together as a unit! :) That makes life so much more fun. We are so ready for spring too! We get out as much as possible now just to stave off cabin fever. Soon we will be planting! That's what we keep reminding ourselves. :)