Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Stills

On of the other blogs I follow does something on every Sunday that I particularly enjoy.  And she calls it Sunday Stills.  So, I thought I'd hijack the idea and give you a few spring stills from our little corner today.

Nothing like the first hanging of the clothes on the line...tomorrow will be washing comforters and pillows!

Yes, that's my foot print in the mud.  It's rather hard to see it, but it's about 8 inches into the ground.  And of course, I did not have my boots on at the time.  I would like to say "live and learn", but you know, I've lived it so many times before, you think I would have learned it by now...

This is what most of our remaining snow piles look like.  Hard to believe that three short weeks ago they were literally over our heads.  Amazing...we love living up high on a hill in the spring time!  It was impossible all winter, but spring's looking mighty sweet...

And along with the advent of spring comes the car repairs that inevitably follow, March being Music Man's birth month and that's when you register and inspect cars in New Hampshire.  Here's my oober handy husband getting busy figuring out what he needs to do the rear brake job on my minivan (you may hear the colorful phrases flying from where you are if he can't get those bolts off)...

And the boy's bikes make their appearance from dusty storage.  They've been enjoying riding them in all the mud we've asked them NOT to ride them in...boys really will be boys sometimes...

And, spring invariably has meant sump pumps for us the last two springs.  Thanks the goodness that there are such a thing as sump pumps and that they work for our situation.   We would have had a spring similar to our last year's nightmare without them...bless whomever invented such a thing...

And, last but by no means least is the first sprouting of some butterhead lettuce I decided to plant in some boxes in our south facing greenhouse window.  Nothing says spring like the sprouting of future food...

Hope you're enjoying some spring blessings of your own, ~Peacemom


Ruta said...

We still have plenty of snow in the north country and I can't wait for enough to melt so I can get to the clothesline! I am so happy to welcome spring after this long winter!!

stace41971 said...

You have so little snow..I'm jealous!! I thought spring was here last week...I had window open, I was sinking up to my knees in mud..but this week it has snowed every day. Not much more than an inch in accumulation..but STILL!! UGH!! I swear every time the Major takes a trip somewhere sunny it causes it to snow here. Maybe I should ask if they can send him to Alaska or the North Pole...hmmmmmmm :)